Dealing with a Diastema: 3 Ways to Close the Gap in Your Grin

July 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilesrus @ 2:12 pm
Woman with diastema wearing pink lightning bolt earrings and glasses smiling

If you’re feeling self-conscious about a gap in your two front teeth, also known as diastema, you’re not alone. A visibly wide opening in your grin can have you worrying about how others will judge your appearance. You might also wonder whether it can hurt your oral health. Thankfully, these spaces are usually not harmful. That said, they can detract from your appearance and impact your self-confidence, so it’s natural for you to want to address the issue.

Fortunately, your dentist offers several cosmetic treatments that can bring your teeth closer together for a more uniform smile. Continue reading to learn about 3 of them!
