Dealing with a Diastema: 3 Ways to Close the Gap in Your Grin

July 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilesrus @ 2:12 pm
Woman with diastema wearing pink lightning bolt earrings and glasses smiling

If you’re feeling self-conscious about a gap in your two front teeth, also known as diastema, you’re not alone. A visibly wide opening in your grin can have you worrying about how others will judge your appearance. You might also wonder whether it can hurt your oral health. Thankfully, these spaces are usually not harmful. That said, they can detract from your appearance and impact your self-confidence, so it’s natural for you to want to address the issue.

Fortunately, your dentist offers several cosmetic treatments that can bring your teeth closer together for a more uniform smile. Continue reading to learn about 3 of them!

Solution #1: Invisalign

Orthodontics treatment is the tried-and-true method for realigning crooked teeth, but your diastema likely doesn’t require a full set of braces. Instead, your dentist can close the gap using Invisalign. This method utilizes clear, plastic trays that fit over your pearly whites to shift them to their ideal places. Because the trays are “invisible,” you won’t have to worry about feeling self-conscious like you might with traditional wires and brackets. Plus, minor issues like space in your front teeth can often be remedied in as few as six months.

Solution #2: Veneers

Often referred to as “instant orthodontics,” veneers are another versatile solution for addressing flaws in your grin. These thin shells, usually made of durable porcelain, are color-matched to your natural teeth and then bonded to their front surface to mask imperfections. They can be placed over your front teeth to close the opening between them.

However, for them to fit correctly, your dentist must remove a small amount of enamel. Because this protective outer layer won’t grow back, your smile will be irreversibly changed and will need veneers or another restoration to shield it moving forward. Thankfully, veneers can last 15+ years if cared for correctly, which makes them an excellent long-term solution.  

Solution #3: Cosmetic Dental Bonding

Although veneers are a popular solution, they aren’t the right choice for everyone. If you’re not comfortable with having enamel removed, then you might benefit from dental bonding. For this procedure, your dentist applies a small amount of composite resin directly to your front teeth. Then, they mold it into the perfect shape to close the gap and harden it in place with a special UV curing light. It bonds to your enamel and can last 10 or more years if you practice consistent at-home dental hygiene habits. It’s also customized to match the shade, shape, and size of your natural teeth for a perfectly seamless smile.

By fixing your diastema, your dentist can enhance your appearance so that you look and feel like your best self!

About the Author

Dr. Anthony Dillard has more than 10 years of experience offering a wide range of services to meet all your dental needs under one roof. He studied at the University of Texas at Austin and the University of North Texas for his undergraduate education. Then, he pursued his dental doctorate at Baylor College of Dentistry. Since then, he has committed hundreds of hours to ongoing education, including advanced courses in Invisalign, among other topics. Today, he combines a comfortable environment with state-of-the-art technology to enhance patient comfort and provide more accurate results. If you’re frustrated by gaps in your teeth and want a consultation, you can request an appointment on the website or call (972) 394-1492.

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